Post by vakhir on Jun 10, 2015 3:54:40 GMT -8
First, flat runes are never good. Here's why:
Tahaurus is an extremely squishy creature, but a lot of people use him starting out because he's such a good dotter, and you need SOMEONE that can dot the water cairos boss (unless you want it to take forever or you're doing B6 or below).
As a 6 star (which is extreme, very rarely see one as a 6), he has 6420 base hp. If you want to refer to base stats, the Summoners War Wikia usually has them for all star levels. His is here:
Let's pretend you have a 6 star flat HP rune. That's 2448 hp, and it doesn't care how much he has. That's the most you can get, at +15. A 6 star % HP rune is 63% at +15, and 63% for him is 4044 hp. Even with a super squishy mon, as a 6 star, the % rune is just waaaaay better. Now look at someone like Baretta, who frequently doesn't rune for damage. His base HP is 11,205, which is one of the highest for all nat 4s. He still would only gain 2448 hp from a flat HP rune, but the % rune would give him over 7k. That's 3 times as good. The same logic applies to DEF and ATK. They simply don't give you enough, even on monsters that have low base stats.
I wouldn't strip any monsters naked, but you don't really have any reason to keep the flat runes once replaced. Without free rune replacement, it costs a lot more to remove a rune than what they sell for, and you would not use them elsewhere.
Here's how I would rune your 6 stars, and then I'll throw generic runing advice after. I'll add a message about Violent for each mon, but those runes are hard to get, so I'm assuming none for everything first.
Luer: Swift or Despair/Focus Spd/hp/acc (Violent not ideal, you want to outspeed or help CC)
Baretta: Swift or Despair/Focus Spd/hp/acc (Violent decent, not amazing, gives him more reliance on dotting for ToA and less on helping stun or outspeed in ToA or PVP.)
Verdehile: Swift or Violent/Blade Spd/Crit/HP (Violent vs Swift debatable even with Violent runes available, Violent is less consistent but potentially better in PVP, Swift is more reliable and may help you steal first turn in PVP) PVP Verdehiles sometimes go for damage, but you will want him to focus on going everywhere, so I would not recommend that. It is possible to not use Crit in slot 4 if you have amazing crit substats, but unlikely, especially because you want SPD substats everywhere. Crit and SPD would compete for substat space, so it is usually ideal to keep crit in slot 4. This is in contrast to Ahman, who can use Crit in slot 4 and have hp substats, or have a lot of crit substats and use HP in slot 4.
Lushen: Fatal or Rage/Blade ATK/CD/ATK ideal with good crit substats, before then, slot 4 can be crit or ATK. Despair is possible for ToA, but for PVP and Giants and sometimes ToA, you want max damage per hit. Never Violent. You want him to hit as hard as possible, it's more important than Violent procs. I don't think I've ever seen one Violent.
Leo: NO SPD WHATSOEVER, the stat doesn't do anything, he always goes first and everyone's speed matches his. Very strong violent user, before that, probably runed like a standard attacker (same as what I said with Lushen - ATK/CD/ATK with strong crit subs, triple ATK or ATK/crit/ATK without, possibly a single HP rune since he only PVPs). I would never use him outside of PVP, very strong in PVP though. You can build teams around him. ATB buffs are amazing with him, such as Verdehile, especially on offense when you can attack a speed team. If a team has likely fast monsters with a speed leader, Leo makes all their SPD slot 2s and SPD substats and SPD leader skill worthless and goes first. This is another reason Violent is so good - he goes first, and if he procs, he might just outright kill someone squishy and meant to be fast.
General runing advice:
Don't worry about using a 4-piece runeset and a broken runeset. If I was making an attacker and wanted to go ATK/CD/ATK, if I had an endure rune that was a 6 star crit damage and it had 18% crit and 10spd as substats, and I had a slot 2 6 star Will ATK rune with 15% crit and 10% crit damage substats, I would never go Rage/Blade instead of Rage/Broken unless I had runes just as good in the Blade set. If you only have a 3 star accuracy rune for your Focus set, but you have a 6 star accuracy Guard rune with great substats, going Despair/Focus on Baretta may not be as good as going Despair/nothing or Despair/Guard. It's not ideal, but you have to work with what you have.
Runing attackers:
If an attacker needs to hit very hard in one shot, perhaps because they have a huge ability like Lushen, then the best runeset is Rage/Blade ATK/CD/ATK with crit and CD and SPD from substats. People have done the math, Rage is better than Fatal with endgame runes. With less ideal runes, Rage isn't better than Fatal unless you have bonus critical chance from one of your skills, or always have crit buff where you use it. ATK/ATK/ATK and ATK/Crit/ATK with Fatal are not very bursty, but are easier to rune and consistent. You will be disappointed going Rage with a crit damage slot 4 if you have a very low crit rate.
If an attacker is more of a threat from constant pressure (such as Darion) or random procs (Tyron or Raoq), Violent is often better than Fatal or Rage once you have comparable runes. This is because your goal is to get a lucky chain of Violent procs and make things explode. Darion is an example of an attacker that scales from a stat in addition to ATK. His first skill says it scales based on his HP. Whenever a skill says this, it means it scales from BOTH ATK and the other stat. Usually, this means it's better to get the other stat, as it provides two separate bonuses. For example, scaling from SPD means your SPD stat makes you both go faster and hit harder. HP on Darion makes him harder to kill and hit harder, and so on.
Another reason Violent is eventually better is because as your runes improve, the flat bonus from Fatal or Rage don't get any better. 35% ATK is still 35% ATK, and it looks a lot smaller when you have two separate 63% ATK runes. Eventually, the way the math works, getting a 22% chance of an extra turn ends up being more damage over time, and this can be scarier in PVP because a lucky streak will result in unhealable damage.
What about SPD or Accuracy? Depends on the monster. You need to decide if its job is to do damage or make sure abilities land. There is a huge gap between a monster with a single ATK rune (like SPD/ATK/Acc) and one that has a bunch of crit and crit damage in addition to ATK (like ATK/CD/ATK with crit substats). Usually if you're already using SPD and Acc, you're just trying to be tougher and go HP in slot 4.
Baretta and Luer, for example, don't hit hard enough to justify trying to make them attackers, and since they both need accuracy desperately, and you also want them to be fast, you don't have enough room to make them scary from damage runes, so you may as well just rune for survival instead.
Runing healers and other support:
Usually Swift, Violent tends to be better once you have good runes. If the healer uses abilities that are based on a monster's health, they don't need ATK at all. If their heals are based on their stats, they're harder to rune. For a healer that uses % like Belladeon, and also needs accuracy because of defense break and sieze, a pretty typical build is Swift/Focus with SPD/HP/ACC or HP/HP/ACC if it needs to be tankier. If you have enough accuracy from substats, you could go SPD/HP/HP. For survival in PVE, it's okay to split defensive runes one HP, one DEF, but HP is better in PVP, so people tend to just rune for HP unless a monster scales off defense or has much better base defense than HP.
Sometimes monsters have special needs. For example, Atenai (fire undine) will put a dot up on monsters if she crits with her base attack. Delphoi will slow them. Mikene will freeze them. You need to weigh the benefit of gaining these procs against having more stats elsewhere. If Delphoi is playing with Shannon, Shannon already AE slows, you can skip crit on her. If someone like Verdehile or Ahman can't do their basic job, though, then the crit stat is mandatory. Verdehile wants max crit so he can keep buffing the party, Ahman wants max crit so he can heal every turn.
Sometimes healers or hybrid healers have debuffs. Some want accuracy, like Belladeon, and some can skip it, like Rakaja and Konamiya. While I certainly don't mind their stuns, I would much rather make them faster or tankier than try to rely on abilities that don't even have a 100% chance to happen before resists, especially when only single target. Just because Rakaja could techncially use accuracy does not mean it's worth having it. Other monsters, like Belladeon, perform much better with accuracy than without.
Runing tanks:
Whether or not a tank's damage scales off HP or defense (and most do), you don't use the Fatal or Rage sets unless it's part of a broken set because you had a great 6 star rune to use. Energy and Endure both give decent bonuses to start with. Some, like Ramagos, can hit hard enough the Vampire set eventually becomes good. The Nemesis set is sometimes used to speed up turns, and if a tank has a special ability on its 1st skill - like Darion defense breaking - then the Revenge set is very strong.
Occasionally, especially with an AE, Tanks will go Despair. This is sometimes seen on the Death Knights Arnold and Briand, though I believe Violent is better overall. If a tank is a pure wall, then the Violent set doesn't do much. Swift sets aren't terrible either. You'll probably use whatever sets you can easily make while using the best tank runes you have. This is much more dependent on the monster, I would recommend searching Reddit for rune advice for a specific monster.
When in doubt? Search this forum, I guarantee people have asked about the monster in question, you wouldn't need a new thread:
I'm going to skim your 5 stars and throw some quick rune advice out. Hopefully you get the idea as I go.
I didn't look at what you runed, just typing what I'd recommend for general use.
Su - often see her as a Faimon farmer, which is Vamp/XXX (usually Blade) with Spd/CD/Atk with good crit substats, or atk or crit in slot 4 otherwise. As a DPS, same stats but she can use Swift, Violent, Fatal or Rage depending on runes available.
Mikene - Swift or Violent, optional whether you go for 100% crit or 0 crit. Mostly only brought anywhere for her revive, so she wants to take as many turns as possible, hence Swift or Violent. Despair isn't terrible because of Aqua Frenzy. Very hard to rune to use her freeze, she'd need SPD/Crit/Acc with hp substats or replace one with HP and get it from substats. A lot easier to rune without, Swift or Violent Spd/HP/HP.
Tyron - Ton of options. Violent ATK/CD/ATK is the most burst in PVP and good sustain, can forgo accuracy if meant to just hit as hard as possible. For ToA and most PVP, you want accuracy capped, so Accuracy slot 6 or a lot of substats. Defensive Tyron meant to CC is Swift, Violent or Despair and Spd/Hp/Acc or Spd/Hp/Hp with accuracy substats. PVP, Swift can be important to get first turn. Despair helps CC what you miss freezing or CC on his other attacks. To help ToA progress, I would suggest - bare minimum - using SPD slot 2 and making sure accuracy is capped. He is still helpful in PVP with spd/hp/acc, he just won't do damage. Very flexible, very strong PVP and ToA leader.
Julie - Standard attacker, same as others, fatal or rage depending on runes, atk/CD/atk ideal with atk or crit in slot 4 with worse runes. Don't bother with accuracy, isn't worth it. Can also potentially Faimon-farm with vampire runes. 5 star with no vampire can do normal, vampire can allow easy hard or potentially hell with amazing runes.
Izaria - Best as standard attacker, I don't think it's worth runing accuracy slot 6.
Raoq - Standard attacker runes, Violent is definitely best for PVP eventually because he is already so RNG dependent. If you have a tank that makes you 100% safe, you can simply keep stalling until he gets lucky and gets a ton of procs and kills something.
Hwa - Swift or Violent. Slot 2 is always Spd. Hwa meant to help slow down bosses wants spd substats everywhere, hp slot 4, possibly accuracy slot 6 so you can concentrate on spd substats instead of accuracy substats. Attacker Hwa is Spd/CD/ATK with crit substats, but hard to do as you want both spd and crit substats. Otherwise Spd/Crit/Atk can be okay. I would only ever deviate from Swift or Violent if you just happened to have 3 good runes that were all Fatal or Rage, like 15-20 spd substats or something, where it would make no sense to go Swift when you could get more Spd using the other pieces.
Arnold - Hp/Hp/Hp, rune sets aren't that big a deal. Starter tanks are typically triple energy, he has potential with a lot of sets. He sucks with Revenge, though, his 1st skill hits for nothing and the heal debuff likely won't land anyway. I have occasionally seen ones try to go spd/hp/hp, but you want extortion to hit as hard as possible. There is no reason to ever rune defense, atk, crit or CD on him. If you want any speed, get it from substats. Only good substats on him would really be spd and more hp, and can't get hp% substat on slots 2/4/6 if they already have hp%, so spd is particularly strong there. Defense% isn't bad for a substat.
Zibrolta - I wouldn't use him. Terrible bomber, bomber that doesn't actually have a bomb. Hope he gets buffed, I've never seen anyone speak highly of him. There are better dotters, the buffblock isn't guaranteed and I don't like the inconsistency. Standard attacker runes with accuracy recommended, but I wouldn't use her. Bear in mind, if he had a real bomber attack, bombs do *NOT* benefit from Crit or crit damage, they are the only monsters where Fatal is the best runeset even highend.
Chloe - Swift/xx with Spd slot 2, as much spd substats as you can get, and HP slots 2 and 4. S Class monster, one of the top 5 in the game of any kind. She is absurdly good. You want her as fast as humanly possible to make sure she can go first and buff your team in PVP. Violent is usually not recommended for her because if she procs she'll proc out of her invincibility (though she may not be the one getting hit, depends on where you are).
Surtr - Standard attacker runes.
Delphoi - Worst undine in terms of the bonus they get from critting, wouldn't recommend anything but Swift or Violent and Spd/Hp/Hp. If you bring her, you are very very very likely to bring Shannon, and single target slow on crit isn't enough. Great leader for an all-wind Giants team, a lot of monsters rune HP since it's better in PVP, but defense is great in a lot of PVE. She's okay going Spd/HP/Def, she has nice base defense and you'll likely use her only in PVE.
Briand - HP/HP/HP, same basic idea as Arnold for sets. Swift and Violent have a premium to me because you want him to get to his rez as fast as possible after using it. Despair's okay. Random sets with tanky runes with spd on them are fine too. If you have a 6 star endure rune with HP% main and spd substat, even if you didn't want resist and wouldn't make the set, I'd use it in a heartbeat.
Fuco - Amazing farmer, shield scales on his level, so HP runing doesn't help it, but defense does (as long as something isn't ignoring defense - wouldn't happen anywhere you'd farm). Vampire useless if shield doesn't break, helps complement shield if it breaks between turns. Violent isn't bad, Revenge as a farmer is great, he functions fine with standard attacker runes, possibly with a single defense rune thrown in to let him farm a harder area. Needs pretty crazy runes to be super in PVP, but they can surprise people. Nemesis is usually terrible, it won't work unless the shield breaks. Spd is not a bad slot 2, faster he goes the faster he refreshes his shield. Violent doesn't help his survival since shield would just refresh twice. From what I understand, the ones used to farm Chiruka hell (hardest place in the game to solo) go Spd/Def/Atk and favor the Swift set and spd/def substats.
Ramagos - HP/HP/HP, no exceptions, rune sets don't matter much 'til eventually Vampire (his clean shot will heal him from this). I have never seen a Violent one, though that could surprise people in PVP. Resist can be very important for him from substats so he isn't just shut down by CC before he can be a threat. HP, resist and spd are the big 3 substats. Defense isn't worth trying to get, atk crit CD and accuracy are basically useless.
Shimitae - Usually runed as a standard attacker, possibly going Spd in slot 2 instead.
Shannon - Ideal is Despair, she needs acc cap, no exceptions, and needs enough hp and defense to survive before she worries about spd. The only stats that matter at all are spd, hp, defense, accuracy. She needs no atk, no crit, no cd, resist doesn't matter. Don't be afraid to do focusx2 and energy or something if necessary to get enough hp/def/accuracy. If she can't survive a hit, she can't help. Mine is currently Despair/Focus HP/Def/Acc with some spd substats, she is a decent candidate for 1 HP and 1 Def rune, especially if the Def rune has great substats. I plan on going Despair/Focus Spd/Def/HP or HP/Def/HP with acc cap from substats eventually.
Ahman - Whatever you can do to get 100% crit and as much HP as possible. HP/Crit/HP with HP/spd/crit substats, or HP/HP/HP with crit substats sufficient to hit 100% and leftover to spd and hp. Swift Blade and Energy are the initial sets used, Violent is ideal (Violent/Blade or Violent/Energy unless broken or some other set had insane substats).
Darion - Any runes to start, acc substats, HP/HP/HP. Energy is fine. Eventually Violent/Revenge or triple Revenge are popular. Always want enough accuracy to land his debuffs. He hits very hard on defense break for a tank when a 6 star.
Eredas - Despair almost always, his kit is meant to debuff, doesn't hit hard. Spd/Hp/Acc or second HP if you have amazing substats. Violent would be okay if you wanted the debuffs more than extra random stuns, same with Swift.
Ran - I think rune similarly to Hwa or Su.
Belladeon - Swift/Focus Spd/Hp/Acc or Hp/Hp/Acc if he can't live, Hp/Def isn't preferred because you use him in PVP as well. Eventually Violent is the best by far, same rune types. You want enough HP to live, accuracy to debuff, and as fast as possible.
Kaz - I've seen Swift and Rage both suggested. Spd/CD/Atk I think is the standard with crit substats. Very nasty with Rage on skill 2 because he has so much extra crit chance on it, skill 3 scales off attack speed which is why swift is nice.
And, finally, just because he's exceptionally good at both ToA and ToA Hard and I see him in your 4 stars:
Thrain: Despair/Focus, Spd/Hp/Acc or Spd/HP/HP with acc substats, everything else to as much spd as you possibly can. Honestly, you're trying to CC and dot so much, I would prefer Spd/Hp/Acc while focusing only on spd substats, Reapers are slow as hell. He's almost directly superior to Hemos, and I'm working on one for ToA hard myself.
As for a recommended next 6 star, Belladeon unless you get amazing Ahman runes overnight. You have 5 6-stars and none are healers, though Luer Baretta and Verdehile are all somewhat support-based. Tyron is a strong candidate after for both PVP and ToA, Hwa for dungeons and PVP, Chloe for *EVERYWHERE*, Shannon if it would let you auto GB10 (but that's unlikely just by 6ing that healer).
Also, you need to go get Bernard. Verde can take his place in Dragon runs, but Verde isn't that good at GB10. He'll attack towers so at least he can keep buffing your speed, but he can't attack debuff the boss, so you would need to bring that with you. *IF* Verdehile is built fast and tanky, and if someone else in your group did ATK debuff, I could potentially see Verde working. Ahman/Belladeon/Darion/Verdehile/Shannon maybe? I would worry about Shannon there if she wasn't a 6 star, leadership ability doesn't affect her and Verdehile. The team would have 2 heals + the Darion damage reduction, Darion does Bernard's debuffs, Verdehile can hit crystals and towers to attack bar buff and nothing except the Giant hits hard. I'd... really worry about Verdehile living there, though.
If you had Bernard, you could do a wind team - Delphoi (L) with Shannon / Bernard / Lushen / Bella is a strong team. Bella would need to be a 6 to be properly safe as the only non-wind, all golems would hit him. However, you can debuff glancing, debuff atk, remove the atk buff, remove def break, buff defense, buff speed. That's everything that can mitigate short of a group dmg reduction like Darion or Priz, or a shield like Acasis.
I might also suggest getting a Konamiya at some point. You have immunity in both Chloe and Delphoi, but a spam dispeller like Kona would be helpful to assist in Dragons and various ToA stages. I said might. Chloe or Delphoi (or them together) might be sufficient to handle things (outside of DB10, Delphoi would scare me there). If you eventually fuse Vero, then his passive + the hard immunity of either Chloe or Delphoi is probably enough. Fast enough Vero can solo dispel Dragon runs. Kona is iffy to me with all your mons available. Wouldn't worry about it right now.
Tahaurus is an extremely squishy creature, but a lot of people use him starting out because he's such a good dotter, and you need SOMEONE that can dot the water cairos boss (unless you want it to take forever or you're doing B6 or below).
As a 6 star (which is extreme, very rarely see one as a 6), he has 6420 base hp. If you want to refer to base stats, the Summoners War Wikia usually has them for all star levels. His is here:
Let's pretend you have a 6 star flat HP rune. That's 2448 hp, and it doesn't care how much he has. That's the most you can get, at +15. A 6 star % HP rune is 63% at +15, and 63% for him is 4044 hp. Even with a super squishy mon, as a 6 star, the % rune is just waaaaay better. Now look at someone like Baretta, who frequently doesn't rune for damage. His base HP is 11,205, which is one of the highest for all nat 4s. He still would only gain 2448 hp from a flat HP rune, but the % rune would give him over 7k. That's 3 times as good. The same logic applies to DEF and ATK. They simply don't give you enough, even on monsters that have low base stats.
I wouldn't strip any monsters naked, but you don't really have any reason to keep the flat runes once replaced. Without free rune replacement, it costs a lot more to remove a rune than what they sell for, and you would not use them elsewhere.
Here's how I would rune your 6 stars, and then I'll throw generic runing advice after. I'll add a message about Violent for each mon, but those runes are hard to get, so I'm assuming none for everything first.
Luer: Swift or Despair/Focus Spd/hp/acc (Violent not ideal, you want to outspeed or help CC)
Baretta: Swift or Despair/Focus Spd/hp/acc (Violent decent, not amazing, gives him more reliance on dotting for ToA and less on helping stun or outspeed in ToA or PVP.)
Verdehile: Swift or Violent/Blade Spd/Crit/HP (Violent vs Swift debatable even with Violent runes available, Violent is less consistent but potentially better in PVP, Swift is more reliable and may help you steal first turn in PVP) PVP Verdehiles sometimes go for damage, but you will want him to focus on going everywhere, so I would not recommend that. It is possible to not use Crit in slot 4 if you have amazing crit substats, but unlikely, especially because you want SPD substats everywhere. Crit and SPD would compete for substat space, so it is usually ideal to keep crit in slot 4. This is in contrast to Ahman, who can use Crit in slot 4 and have hp substats, or have a lot of crit substats and use HP in slot 4.
Lushen: Fatal or Rage/Blade ATK/CD/ATK ideal with good crit substats, before then, slot 4 can be crit or ATK. Despair is possible for ToA, but for PVP and Giants and sometimes ToA, you want max damage per hit. Never Violent. You want him to hit as hard as possible, it's more important than Violent procs. I don't think I've ever seen one Violent.
Leo: NO SPD WHATSOEVER, the stat doesn't do anything, he always goes first and everyone's speed matches his. Very strong violent user, before that, probably runed like a standard attacker (same as what I said with Lushen - ATK/CD/ATK with strong crit subs, triple ATK or ATK/crit/ATK without, possibly a single HP rune since he only PVPs). I would never use him outside of PVP, very strong in PVP though. You can build teams around him. ATB buffs are amazing with him, such as Verdehile, especially on offense when you can attack a speed team. If a team has likely fast monsters with a speed leader, Leo makes all their SPD slot 2s and SPD substats and SPD leader skill worthless and goes first. This is another reason Violent is so good - he goes first, and if he procs, he might just outright kill someone squishy and meant to be fast.
General runing advice:
Don't worry about using a 4-piece runeset and a broken runeset. If I was making an attacker and wanted to go ATK/CD/ATK, if I had an endure rune that was a 6 star crit damage and it had 18% crit and 10spd as substats, and I had a slot 2 6 star Will ATK rune with 15% crit and 10% crit damage substats, I would never go Rage/Blade instead of Rage/Broken unless I had runes just as good in the Blade set. If you only have a 3 star accuracy rune for your Focus set, but you have a 6 star accuracy Guard rune with great substats, going Despair/Focus on Baretta may not be as good as going Despair/nothing or Despair/Guard. It's not ideal, but you have to work with what you have.
Runing attackers:
If an attacker needs to hit very hard in one shot, perhaps because they have a huge ability like Lushen, then the best runeset is Rage/Blade ATK/CD/ATK with crit and CD and SPD from substats. People have done the math, Rage is better than Fatal with endgame runes. With less ideal runes, Rage isn't better than Fatal unless you have bonus critical chance from one of your skills, or always have crit buff where you use it. ATK/ATK/ATK and ATK/Crit/ATK with Fatal are not very bursty, but are easier to rune and consistent. You will be disappointed going Rage with a crit damage slot 4 if you have a very low crit rate.
If an attacker is more of a threat from constant pressure (such as Darion) or random procs (Tyron or Raoq), Violent is often better than Fatal or Rage once you have comparable runes. This is because your goal is to get a lucky chain of Violent procs and make things explode. Darion is an example of an attacker that scales from a stat in addition to ATK. His first skill says it scales based on his HP. Whenever a skill says this, it means it scales from BOTH ATK and the other stat. Usually, this means it's better to get the other stat, as it provides two separate bonuses. For example, scaling from SPD means your SPD stat makes you both go faster and hit harder. HP on Darion makes him harder to kill and hit harder, and so on.
Another reason Violent is eventually better is because as your runes improve, the flat bonus from Fatal or Rage don't get any better. 35% ATK is still 35% ATK, and it looks a lot smaller when you have two separate 63% ATK runes. Eventually, the way the math works, getting a 22% chance of an extra turn ends up being more damage over time, and this can be scarier in PVP because a lucky streak will result in unhealable damage.
What about SPD or Accuracy? Depends on the monster. You need to decide if its job is to do damage or make sure abilities land. There is a huge gap between a monster with a single ATK rune (like SPD/ATK/Acc) and one that has a bunch of crit and crit damage in addition to ATK (like ATK/CD/ATK with crit substats). Usually if you're already using SPD and Acc, you're just trying to be tougher and go HP in slot 4.
Baretta and Luer, for example, don't hit hard enough to justify trying to make them attackers, and since they both need accuracy desperately, and you also want them to be fast, you don't have enough room to make them scary from damage runes, so you may as well just rune for survival instead.
Runing healers and other support:
Usually Swift, Violent tends to be better once you have good runes. If the healer uses abilities that are based on a monster's health, they don't need ATK at all. If their heals are based on their stats, they're harder to rune. For a healer that uses % like Belladeon, and also needs accuracy because of defense break and sieze, a pretty typical build is Swift/Focus with SPD/HP/ACC or HP/HP/ACC if it needs to be tankier. If you have enough accuracy from substats, you could go SPD/HP/HP. For survival in PVE, it's okay to split defensive runes one HP, one DEF, but HP is better in PVP, so people tend to just rune for HP unless a monster scales off defense or has much better base defense than HP.
Sometimes monsters have special needs. For example, Atenai (fire undine) will put a dot up on monsters if she crits with her base attack. Delphoi will slow them. Mikene will freeze them. You need to weigh the benefit of gaining these procs against having more stats elsewhere. If Delphoi is playing with Shannon, Shannon already AE slows, you can skip crit on her. If someone like Verdehile or Ahman can't do their basic job, though, then the crit stat is mandatory. Verdehile wants max crit so he can keep buffing the party, Ahman wants max crit so he can heal every turn.
Sometimes healers or hybrid healers have debuffs. Some want accuracy, like Belladeon, and some can skip it, like Rakaja and Konamiya. While I certainly don't mind their stuns, I would much rather make them faster or tankier than try to rely on abilities that don't even have a 100% chance to happen before resists, especially when only single target. Just because Rakaja could techncially use accuracy does not mean it's worth having it. Other monsters, like Belladeon, perform much better with accuracy than without.
Runing tanks:
Whether or not a tank's damage scales off HP or defense (and most do), you don't use the Fatal or Rage sets unless it's part of a broken set because you had a great 6 star rune to use. Energy and Endure both give decent bonuses to start with. Some, like Ramagos, can hit hard enough the Vampire set eventually becomes good. The Nemesis set is sometimes used to speed up turns, and if a tank has a special ability on its 1st skill - like Darion defense breaking - then the Revenge set is very strong.
Occasionally, especially with an AE, Tanks will go Despair. This is sometimes seen on the Death Knights Arnold and Briand, though I believe Violent is better overall. If a tank is a pure wall, then the Violent set doesn't do much. Swift sets aren't terrible either. You'll probably use whatever sets you can easily make while using the best tank runes you have. This is much more dependent on the monster, I would recommend searching Reddit for rune advice for a specific monster.
When in doubt? Search this forum, I guarantee people have asked about the monster in question, you wouldn't need a new thread:
I'm going to skim your 5 stars and throw some quick rune advice out. Hopefully you get the idea as I go.
I didn't look at what you runed, just typing what I'd recommend for general use.
Su - often see her as a Faimon farmer, which is Vamp/XXX (usually Blade) with Spd/CD/Atk with good crit substats, or atk or crit in slot 4 otherwise. As a DPS, same stats but she can use Swift, Violent, Fatal or Rage depending on runes available.
Mikene - Swift or Violent, optional whether you go for 100% crit or 0 crit. Mostly only brought anywhere for her revive, so she wants to take as many turns as possible, hence Swift or Violent. Despair isn't terrible because of Aqua Frenzy. Very hard to rune to use her freeze, she'd need SPD/Crit/Acc with hp substats or replace one with HP and get it from substats. A lot easier to rune without, Swift or Violent Spd/HP/HP.
Tyron - Ton of options. Violent ATK/CD/ATK is the most burst in PVP and good sustain, can forgo accuracy if meant to just hit as hard as possible. For ToA and most PVP, you want accuracy capped, so Accuracy slot 6 or a lot of substats. Defensive Tyron meant to CC is Swift, Violent or Despair and Spd/Hp/Acc or Spd/Hp/Hp with accuracy substats. PVP, Swift can be important to get first turn. Despair helps CC what you miss freezing or CC on his other attacks. To help ToA progress, I would suggest - bare minimum - using SPD slot 2 and making sure accuracy is capped. He is still helpful in PVP with spd/hp/acc, he just won't do damage. Very flexible, very strong PVP and ToA leader.
Julie - Standard attacker, same as others, fatal or rage depending on runes, atk/CD/atk ideal with atk or crit in slot 4 with worse runes. Don't bother with accuracy, isn't worth it. Can also potentially Faimon-farm with vampire runes. 5 star with no vampire can do normal, vampire can allow easy hard or potentially hell with amazing runes.
Izaria - Best as standard attacker, I don't think it's worth runing accuracy slot 6.
Raoq - Standard attacker runes, Violent is definitely best for PVP eventually because he is already so RNG dependent. If you have a tank that makes you 100% safe, you can simply keep stalling until he gets lucky and gets a ton of procs and kills something.
Hwa - Swift or Violent. Slot 2 is always Spd. Hwa meant to help slow down bosses wants spd substats everywhere, hp slot 4, possibly accuracy slot 6 so you can concentrate on spd substats instead of accuracy substats. Attacker Hwa is Spd/CD/ATK with crit substats, but hard to do as you want both spd and crit substats. Otherwise Spd/Crit/Atk can be okay. I would only ever deviate from Swift or Violent if you just happened to have 3 good runes that were all Fatal or Rage, like 15-20 spd substats or something, where it would make no sense to go Swift when you could get more Spd using the other pieces.
Arnold - Hp/Hp/Hp, rune sets aren't that big a deal. Starter tanks are typically triple energy, he has potential with a lot of sets. He sucks with Revenge, though, his 1st skill hits for nothing and the heal debuff likely won't land anyway. I have occasionally seen ones try to go spd/hp/hp, but you want extortion to hit as hard as possible. There is no reason to ever rune defense, atk, crit or CD on him. If you want any speed, get it from substats. Only good substats on him would really be spd and more hp, and can't get hp% substat on slots 2/4/6 if they already have hp%, so spd is particularly strong there. Defense% isn't bad for a substat.
Zibrolta - I wouldn't use him. Terrible bomber, bomber that doesn't actually have a bomb. Hope he gets buffed, I've never seen anyone speak highly of him. There are better dotters, the buffblock isn't guaranteed and I don't like the inconsistency. Standard attacker runes with accuracy recommended, but I wouldn't use her. Bear in mind, if he had a real bomber attack, bombs do *NOT* benefit from Crit or crit damage, they are the only monsters where Fatal is the best runeset even highend.
Chloe - Swift/xx with Spd slot 2, as much spd substats as you can get, and HP slots 2 and 4. S Class monster, one of the top 5 in the game of any kind. She is absurdly good. You want her as fast as humanly possible to make sure she can go first and buff your team in PVP. Violent is usually not recommended for her because if she procs she'll proc out of her invincibility (though she may not be the one getting hit, depends on where you are).
Surtr - Standard attacker runes.
Delphoi - Worst undine in terms of the bonus they get from critting, wouldn't recommend anything but Swift or Violent and Spd/Hp/Hp. If you bring her, you are very very very likely to bring Shannon, and single target slow on crit isn't enough. Great leader for an all-wind Giants team, a lot of monsters rune HP since it's better in PVP, but defense is great in a lot of PVE. She's okay going Spd/HP/Def, she has nice base defense and you'll likely use her only in PVE.
Briand - HP/HP/HP, same basic idea as Arnold for sets. Swift and Violent have a premium to me because you want him to get to his rez as fast as possible after using it. Despair's okay. Random sets with tanky runes with spd on them are fine too. If you have a 6 star endure rune with HP% main and spd substat, even if you didn't want resist and wouldn't make the set, I'd use it in a heartbeat.
Fuco - Amazing farmer, shield scales on his level, so HP runing doesn't help it, but defense does (as long as something isn't ignoring defense - wouldn't happen anywhere you'd farm). Vampire useless if shield doesn't break, helps complement shield if it breaks between turns. Violent isn't bad, Revenge as a farmer is great, he functions fine with standard attacker runes, possibly with a single defense rune thrown in to let him farm a harder area. Needs pretty crazy runes to be super in PVP, but they can surprise people. Nemesis is usually terrible, it won't work unless the shield breaks. Spd is not a bad slot 2, faster he goes the faster he refreshes his shield. Violent doesn't help his survival since shield would just refresh twice. From what I understand, the ones used to farm Chiruka hell (hardest place in the game to solo) go Spd/Def/Atk and favor the Swift set and spd/def substats.
Ramagos - HP/HP/HP, no exceptions, rune sets don't matter much 'til eventually Vampire (his clean shot will heal him from this). I have never seen a Violent one, though that could surprise people in PVP. Resist can be very important for him from substats so he isn't just shut down by CC before he can be a threat. HP, resist and spd are the big 3 substats. Defense isn't worth trying to get, atk crit CD and accuracy are basically useless.
Shimitae - Usually runed as a standard attacker, possibly going Spd in slot 2 instead.
Shannon - Ideal is Despair, she needs acc cap, no exceptions, and needs enough hp and defense to survive before she worries about spd. The only stats that matter at all are spd, hp, defense, accuracy. She needs no atk, no crit, no cd, resist doesn't matter. Don't be afraid to do focusx2 and energy or something if necessary to get enough hp/def/accuracy. If she can't survive a hit, she can't help. Mine is currently Despair/Focus HP/Def/Acc with some spd substats, she is a decent candidate for 1 HP and 1 Def rune, especially if the Def rune has great substats. I plan on going Despair/Focus Spd/Def/HP or HP/Def/HP with acc cap from substats eventually.
Ahman - Whatever you can do to get 100% crit and as much HP as possible. HP/Crit/HP with HP/spd/crit substats, or HP/HP/HP with crit substats sufficient to hit 100% and leftover to spd and hp. Swift Blade and Energy are the initial sets used, Violent is ideal (Violent/Blade or Violent/Energy unless broken or some other set had insane substats).
Darion - Any runes to start, acc substats, HP/HP/HP. Energy is fine. Eventually Violent/Revenge or triple Revenge are popular. Always want enough accuracy to land his debuffs. He hits very hard on defense break for a tank when a 6 star.
Eredas - Despair almost always, his kit is meant to debuff, doesn't hit hard. Spd/Hp/Acc or second HP if you have amazing substats. Violent would be okay if you wanted the debuffs more than extra random stuns, same with Swift.
Ran - I think rune similarly to Hwa or Su.
Belladeon - Swift/Focus Spd/Hp/Acc or Hp/Hp/Acc if he can't live, Hp/Def isn't preferred because you use him in PVP as well. Eventually Violent is the best by far, same rune types. You want enough HP to live, accuracy to debuff, and as fast as possible.
Kaz - I've seen Swift and Rage both suggested. Spd/CD/Atk I think is the standard with crit substats. Very nasty with Rage on skill 2 because he has so much extra crit chance on it, skill 3 scales off attack speed which is why swift is nice.
And, finally, just because he's exceptionally good at both ToA and ToA Hard and I see him in your 4 stars:
Thrain: Despair/Focus, Spd/Hp/Acc or Spd/HP/HP with acc substats, everything else to as much spd as you possibly can. Honestly, you're trying to CC and dot so much, I would prefer Spd/Hp/Acc while focusing only on spd substats, Reapers are slow as hell. He's almost directly superior to Hemos, and I'm working on one for ToA hard myself.
As for a recommended next 6 star, Belladeon unless you get amazing Ahman runes overnight. You have 5 6-stars and none are healers, though Luer Baretta and Verdehile are all somewhat support-based. Tyron is a strong candidate after for both PVP and ToA, Hwa for dungeons and PVP, Chloe for *EVERYWHERE*, Shannon if it would let you auto GB10 (but that's unlikely just by 6ing that healer).
Also, you need to go get Bernard. Verde can take his place in Dragon runs, but Verde isn't that good at GB10. He'll attack towers so at least he can keep buffing your speed, but he can't attack debuff the boss, so you would need to bring that with you. *IF* Verdehile is built fast and tanky, and if someone else in your group did ATK debuff, I could potentially see Verde working. Ahman/Belladeon/Darion/Verdehile/Shannon maybe? I would worry about Shannon there if she wasn't a 6 star, leadership ability doesn't affect her and Verdehile. The team would have 2 heals + the Darion damage reduction, Darion does Bernard's debuffs, Verdehile can hit crystals and towers to attack bar buff and nothing except the Giant hits hard. I'd... really worry about Verdehile living there, though.
If you had Bernard, you could do a wind team - Delphoi (L) with Shannon / Bernard / Lushen / Bella is a strong team. Bella would need to be a 6 to be properly safe as the only non-wind, all golems would hit him. However, you can debuff glancing, debuff atk, remove the atk buff, remove def break, buff defense, buff speed. That's everything that can mitigate short of a group dmg reduction like Darion or Priz, or a shield like Acasis.
I might also suggest getting a Konamiya at some point. You have immunity in both Chloe and Delphoi, but a spam dispeller like Kona would be helpful to assist in Dragons and various ToA stages. I said might. Chloe or Delphoi (or them together) might be sufficient to handle things (outside of DB10, Delphoi would scare me there). If you eventually fuse Vero, then his passive + the hard immunity of either Chloe or Delphoi is probably enough. Fast enough Vero can solo dispel Dragon runs. Kona is iffy to me with all your mons available. Wouldn't worry about it right now.